Transport of special consignments
For transportation of special consignments in domestic and international traffic it is mandatory to obtain prior approval from Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro.
In domestic traffic, the approval is granted by the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro on the basis of written request by Montecargo.
In international traffic, the foreign railways ask for the approval of transportation of special consignments through the railways of Montenegro from the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro, and the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro is asking for the approval of transportation of export special consignments from foreign railways through which railways the special consignment will be transported.
In international traffic for special consignments, the carrier must comply with the following international agreements:
- RIV(2000) – The Agreement on the exchange and use of freight wagons between the Railway companies,
- RIC(2001) – The Agreement on exchange and use of passenger wagons between the Railway companies,
- SMGS – The Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail,
- •UIC 502.
The approval for transportation of special consignments in local and international traffic is valid for 3 months, starting from the day it was issued. Exceptionally, this deadline can be prolonged, up to 12 months, at the sender’s request, and with the possibility of recall in emergency situations.
The sender who wants to hand over the special consignment for transport in local traffic and for export, is required to report it to the dispatch unit of Montecargo.
The registration for the transport of special consignment should be submitted in a timely manner:
- at the most 10 days prior to the intended loading of particular consignment in domestic traffic
- at the most 30 days prior to the intended loading of particular consignment for export
In international traffic, the registration for the transport of special consignments is performed by the foreign railway to Montecargo, and by the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro to participating foreign railways for export, based on the written statement of Montecargo.
The registration is performed by e-mail, fax or in a written form using the S-101 form, including the data provided in the form.