Transport Conditions
For every scheduled transport, Montecargo is at your service to inform you about the terms of transport, price and any proposals you may have.
Contracted transport which implies the planned schedule of shipment does not require announcement, but only mutual informing about possible changes and exception from the contracted provisions.
Wagon ordering
At the dispatch station the sender orders the type and number of the wagon for the goods in written form, on the basis of which is timely done securing of the requested number of wagons and placement on a certain freight handling track. Ordering the wagons is done at least 48 hours or 72 hours for special wagons prior tot he planned load. The station worker informs the sender about the placement of the shipping wagons in an agreed way. Ordering the wagons is done on the form Kol-23.
Consignment forwarding
Prior to delivery of the goods for transport, the responsible employee of Montecargo determines whether the transport is permitted or it is permitted just under certain conditions and then the sender complies and submits the consignment note. The load of consignment performs the sender of the goods, loading deadline for one user and for one set up of wagons is up to 12 wagons 6 hours and for more than 12 wagons 8 hours.
After the receipt of the goods by the carrier registered in the consignment note, the carrier confirms the receipt of the consignment by checking it which means that the Contract of Carriage has been closed. The payment of transport charges is defined in the consignment note.
The necessary forms for realization of the planned transport may be purchased at Montecargo:
- K-24 – Transport charge receipt
- K-158 – Acceptance for carriage
- K-160 – General statement of unpackaged or insufficiently packaged consignment/for local traffic
- K-160a – General statement of unpackaged or insufficiently packaged consignmnet for international traffic
- K-180 – Client’s statement on the manner of reporting on goods inwards and giving the warranty
- K-181 – Warranty
- K-257 – The statement about lost consignment note
- K-263 – Changes of Contract of Carriage for local traffic
- K-263m – Subsequent requirement in international traffic
- K-265 – Train accompanying staff ID document for International Transport
- K-288 – Consignment hand-over Receipt
- K-301- Telephone report about goods inwards
- K-505 – International CIM consignment note
- K-511 – International consignment note for accelerated freight traffic
- K-512 – International consignment note of regular freight transport for traffic with Russia
- Kol-23 – Wagon delivery order

Consignment inwards
Upon train arrival to the expedition station commercial inspection of the consignment is carried out, reporting the recipient on the consignment inwards and the placement at specific place for loading as well.
The recipient is informed about the inwards by fax, telephone, telegram or letter. Informing the recipient is a matter of agreement with Montecargo.
Rajko Koprivica, MSc. Traffic Eng.
Director of Transport Department
Tel:+ 382 20 441 199
Fax:+ 382 20 601 525
Vesna Tintor, MSc. Traffic Eng.
Head of Commercial Service
Tel /Fax : + 382 20 441 191